Video Marketing: How to Tell Your Story

By Jonathan Cohen

Tue Mar 19

Isn’t it amazing that 15 seconds can determine the success of any video marketing campaign? 

During the Content Israel conference, Elad Ben David the creative director of Wix gave a presentation on how to engage specific audiences by creating high impact videos that captivate the viewer and inspires action.

Most campaigns aim to increase user acquisition, get more impressions and higher KPI metrics. Key essentials that go into video production include answering questions such as;

  • What is the objective of the video?
  • Are your product/ service and their value proposition clear?
  • Why should people choose to use your product?
  • And finally, does it reach your targeted audience?


All these aspects need to be captured and tell a story in 15 seconds or less. Otherwise, you risk your video being skipped before it even gets to the main point.

When developing a video campaign, think of yourself as the link between the viewerand your company’s message. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and try tounderstand how you can engage them more whilst offering useful informationthrough elaborate videos and captivating content.

Now that we have this in mind, what about your goals and KPI’s?

When creating videos, the goal of every marketer is to educate their audience as well as convert them to leads or customers.


Goals when creating videos can be:

Brand Awareness:

This important for marketing campaigns, especially when launching new products and services as well as when penetrating a new market. It differentiates you from your competitors helping your company stand out.

In the long run, the extent to which your product/service is recognized lies with its brand awareness, which can make or break your brand


Research has shown that viewers are anywhere from 64-85% more likely to buy after watching a product video – this is one marketing force you can’t afford to ignore. Videos make consuming information easy and convey a lot of information in a short span of time which can lead to increased conversion rates.


Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to measure:

KPI’s measure the success of marketing campaigns, different KPI’s measure different goals of the video, let’s take a look at some of them.


Engagement: If your goal is brand awareness, this indicator should be taken into consideration. Your video’s engagement can be indicated using likes, shares, comments, and links as well as search volume. This will help you know how long people watch your videos. It is no secret, the longer the watch time the better the engagement rate


Conversion rate: If your goal is conversion, this indicator is paramount. It will help you understand the extent to which the video resonated with your potential clients. Conversion is calculated using this formula:

Conversion rate = (conversions / total visitors) * 100%


For most marketers, developing a 15-second video that captivates and converts potential clients might seem like an uphill task.

What’s vital is knowing your audience and the action you wish to inspire them to take.

Developing a strategic plan with clear milestones helps set the baseline when starting campaigns from scratch. Once you have this structure in place, only then can you begin developing the message to deliver.

In the beginning, it might be overwhelming, but with and with the clear and concise strategic plan, everything flows. Monitor your goals and KPIs to optimize your strategy. If there is a need for change do not be afraid to pull the plug and switch up what was not working.

It is, however, very common to overlook some aspects when undertaking a marketing campaign. Check out the 9 best kept secrets of Successful B2B marketing campaigns to help you plan your campaigns in confidence with out of the box ideas.


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