Mastering the Pause - how saying less sells more and other Tyreisms

By Lisa-Marie LaVeau

Wed Jul 28

After being accepted into the HubSpot Partner Pipeline Generation Bootcamp (PBG) I had no idea what to expect. It’s an exclusive 8-week course that teaches you how to move away from cold calling tactics and optimize your sales efforts to produce quality leads for your Inbound Marketing Agency.


But I thought Sales equals talking. Anyone who knows me knows I’m good at that. Little did I know I would be learning that one of the key takeaways from these sessions would be pause, pause, pause.


So here we go, Dan’s energy and the program helped me through eight weeks of Manic Mondays and gave me something to look forward to during the heights of a pandemic and a lockdown.


Mastering my cadence as well as how much and how little I said to a prospect was enjoyable and weird at the same time as I practiced the art of restraint.


This was a true master class in people skills, timing, intuition, and adaptability. It was like learning to flirt all over again but with the wit and charm of Dave Chappelle, The Rock’s flair, and Tyra Banks smize (smiling eyes) for those who never watched America’s Next Top Model. And if that’s the recipe, Dan is the master chef.


And ooooh baby, the power of “tell me more” can get you places. Understanding exactly what motivates and interests your lead can get you faster to your sales goals if you just slow down and listen.


So, getting down to business, here are my top five Tyreisms I took away from my boot camp experience:




mastering the pause as an sdr


When it’s the client’s turn to talk, pause and listen. Period.

When the sound of silence rattles you it shows that you’ve lost your power. So please, be quiet. Put the phone on mute if you have to. If not then what is supposed to be a two way conversation becomes one sided.

Another vital part of the sales encounter is when the call is about to end and you’re about to ask for the sale.

At this point if you’ve checked all your boxes – you’ve qualified that the client is a good fit, you have optimum buy in, and the value of your service to address the client’s pain points has been clearly demonstrated – then all that’s left is to unveil the price and ask for payment.

Ask clearly and confidently for the close, and then(yep)… Pause.


Tell me more?




If you’re like me and your brain can sometimes go faster than your mouth, you may already be thinking about the five or six other things you want to tell your prospect while you’re still on your intro. It’s really important to let your client take the lead in the conversation.

Lean into listening, allow yourself (and your brain) a second to understand what is truly important to your client and let them know that you hear and see them.

Sometimes their concerns may not be numbers focused but may be related to fears, doubts and limitations. By addressing those issues, you may find that you can still indeed get to the bottom line.


It takes 7 calls


download (1)


You’re thinking, right, I made the call, let me wait right? Nope. It takes between five to seven calls to get you where you need to be going. The lions who make the calls make the sales. Oh yeah and by the way, voicemails are still a thing.


You see what I’m saying? – The power of Video




Video prospecting takes practice even for a ham like me. But trust me when done correctly, it’s a powerful tool, even though it’s not brand new, it’s an amazing time to use platforms such as Vidyard to connect with your prospects in cool and exciting ways. Dig in and see how you can change the way you connect and sell.



Always Be Helping




With an abundance of choice in the world, nobody wants to be sold to. Instead find a way to help someone with a challenge, a fear or an obstacle in their business and see how it unfolds. The power of giving is seen in what you receive.

Sometimes its nothing and that’s ok. Sometimes you might get more than you expected and those are the sales moments we are absolutely here for!



I recommend that all Sales and Marketing professionals participate in this bootcamp. It will up your sales game and improve the way you communicate in all facets of your life. I want to thank The Lion for being a great human, amazing communicator and helping me get through 8 weeks of pandemic lockdown on an island in the Caribbean. Life during that time wasn’t a beach but I certainly made it through the PBG jungle and came out a lion.



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