How to Get Your Sales Team to Love Their New HubSpot CRM

By Resa Gooding

Mon Nov 5

So you've managed to move from Excel to a proper CRM but your sales team is still pouting. They have many questions and still don’t get why they had to move the grandfathers of all CRMs. It worked fine for them so why the move? Yes, change is hard but when the benefits are seen life will be soooo good you won’t even remember what was it that you were even missing before.

But in the meantime to get your sales teams onboard here are a few carrots you can dangle in front of them.


1. Remove ambiguity and misinformation on contacts’ records by connecting the sales team mailboxes to HubSpot

Remember that migration you just completed? How many of the notes did you understand? Do you even know what exactly the communication between the sales rep and prospect was about from the shorthand? Well, this nifty integration helps solve that. No longer does a sales rep need to update each contact summarizing every email or phone call. With just one click of a button, each email goes directly into HubSpot to update the interaction between a sales team member and a contact’s record.


HubSpot email integration
2. Ensure there is a clear handover between marketing, pre-sales (inside sales) and sales
Oftentimes, the disconnect between sales and marketing occurs because there isn’t a clear handover between the two. By setting up Lead Scoring or a custom Lead Stage that identifies a lead’s qualification there could be a clear point when Sales knows they need to be handling this lead going forward.

3. Reduce the need for internal follow-up by automating certain processes

One of the ways to make the handover between marketing and sales clearer is to set up notifications when a lead is classified as "Qualified" so the sales team gets a notification to follow up on the lead... Another notification that can be useful when automated is to send an email to management and marketing when a deal has been marked "Closed Won". You can even set up reminder emails to the team members if certain actions are not taken on a lead after a specified amount of time.


4. Without upgrading to sales starter you might just be creating more work for your sales teams

Sales Starter is one of those HubSpot features that will certainly take the admin work out of the sales teams daily activities. From creating email templates and sequences to snippets that are always used in a typical sales conversation or follow up it helps your sales teams follow up on more leads in a shorter space of time. So for an additional $50 per month per team member it might just be worth it.


5. Report on the data that actually matter

With both your CRM and marketing in one place your sales team will be amazed at the type of insights they can gather about the entire process. From understanding the amount of revenue expected for deals in each stage of your deal pipeline to knowing the productivity of your sales teams and which reps own the most deals HubSpot’s reporting gives you the full picture of your sales team’s success.


sales dashboard


6. Test, test and then test some more...

After the migration and setup are completed it is often necessary to go through several rounds of testing to make sure everything works as it should. Don’t be alarmed if some things still slip through the cracks so be ready for at least a 6-week teething phase before finding your team fully comfortable running on their new CRM


7. Document the process

This step is often overlooked simply because it’s tedious. But can I tell you it will be well worth it? As your company grows so will your team and we know training can be a time-consuming task. So why not have a handy workbook that new team members and even existing ones can browse through when in doubt about a work process. This can avoid many mistakes.


8. Train all departments to make sure they know how the new process works.

Training is crucial in ensuring everyone is on the same page after a migration is completed. Everyone should be involved in this training - management, marketing, sales, support, and finance - in order that each department understands its role and how to use the new CRM.
HubSpot CRM can deliver wonders to your sales team but its success relies heavily on how quickly they adopt it. Understanding that it is almost impossible for your in-house team to invest the time and resources to ensure this smooth transition it is important to have a reliable partner who can take the bulk of the work off your shoulders. So feel free to reach out to us for any level of support that is needed.

Always at your service,


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